
The Infant Learner

Some stuff I read this week:

A. Market Research

MFP Market Report Card (MFP)
DSP Navigator (DSP)
Insights from Q1FY23 Results and Investor Calls (SS)

B. Entrepreneurial Diary

Take Asymmetric Bets (EK)
The Adversity Quotient (CF)
Startup: Mamaearth (FB)
11 Life Lessons From History’s Most Underrated Genius (ME)

C. Investment Topic:- Different Types of Wealth

Six Types of Wealth (YM)
How Happy is Your Money? (CM)
How to Get More Time (DD)
PD Mangan on Reverse Ageing, Diet and Exercise (SN)
Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends, & Colleagues (YT)

D. Personal Finance

Tax Planning Through HUF (AS)
Two Factor Authentication For Demat Account (ML)
CBDT Asks the Winners of Online Games to Pay Taxes (ML)

E. Other Articles

Investment Frameworks (DS)
Buying the Pessimism (NS)
How the Worst Market Timer in History Built a Fortune (CA)
Charlie Munger Predicts a Horrible Economic Crisis (YT)
India Is On The Verge Of An Explosive Future (VB)

“I read everything: annual reports, 10k’s, 10q’s, biographies, histories, five newspapers a day. On airplanes, I read the instructions on the backs of seats. Reading is key. Reading has made me rich over time” – Warren Buffett

“I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent, but they are learning machines. They go to bed every night a little wiser than they were when they got up and boy does that help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you” – Charlie Munger

You have to apply yourself each day to becoming a little better. By applying yourself to the task of becoming a little better each and every day over a period of time, you will become a lot better”-  Carol Dweck